
Music For An Intellectual Palette

Not quite there

It’s a travelers pun
Landing everywhere you do
Seen by all seen by none
Gleaning all imbuing hue
Free to see down its lines
The one traveler of times
Mixed dynamic color mimes
to matter not if matter rhymes
It stretches every distance
Reflecting universally knowledge
Flung like never ending arrows
Unmarked inanities quantum edge
Lost in and from infinity
I gazed this a moments glance
At histories birthplace way lost
Transformed into a synapse
What an amazing chance....
We should never judge a BUTT by its cover, yet we dooo....

And now for some serious Entertainment!!!

There Once was a Pharaoh Playing Faro
The box would only bring more riddles, a case-keeper brought down to earth by a planting season that failed. Each turn seeking to reside anywhere the tomato doesn’t alter its growth toward maturity....
And all the kings left over would not dare to relinquish the cherished moments with subjects blessed by a safe copper placed on that maturity. Parlaying only the faces that would launch countless ships toward the ports of immortality!
As hopes were discarded seeking the last block into place. Any cards were won or lost outside despair to tears on vines seeking clout. The tomato, submissive and older still, waits for no one nor does hunger in the games of standing tall and stoic over the limited funds of self-doubt....

Within all the Great MOJO
a BUTT might acquire within a lifetime, here is the one great secret for getting the bed for yourself and enjoying a good nights sleep.
A can of smoked oysters chased down with a couple McDoubles....

Another Factor
mixture I strike
follow mixture
mixture I soar
climb mixture
mixture I bear
float mixture
mixture I glide
dancr mixture
Ultra violet color
Pollination from showers
so you see my love
among all the flowers
another factor of life
their little absence surely grim
then why sir did you
step on him?