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Music For An Intellectual Palette
Stay Tuned as new pages might pop up at anytime with new music to digest....
And thanks for delving deeper into my Artsy Heartsy
Entertainment Website
and creative WOO WOO!
As a creative musician of notes residing outside
the music industry, I don't except any super-fortune
here, only the hopes for enough to allow for, the creation of, a gazillion musical ideas (yep same old story).
This website is dedicated to that future development of
Sleazy Music creation and Studio development. If you are feeling curious, or should you happen to be on the lookout for some new music (all original instrumental), then you might explore this site further and discover it's quite stimulating regarding theeee old grey matter, &/or better yet might yee become a FAN....
I create as a Solo-desktop-producer and Multi-instrumentalist (No loops used except drum patterns.) while offering for your musical & poetic pleasure A SLEAZY & truly-one-man-band of tunes created on desk-top digital
and now out to the world....
If U like Music videos don't be the last on your block to discover MY Eleven Videos here, all produced on a twenty dollar budget. Especially don't miss my Guys Only page video.
(R-U into tattoo's?)
If so don't miss my tribute to
the Ballet Arts Video on my Sleazy 'toos page.
Hidden off in the site is a link to my
YOUTUBE CHANNEL. I've also added my old style blues Git-fiddle video
Blueberry Gimp Stomp.
And should you be the type of person who enjoys a good short story there's my
page and there you will discover the inspiring true occurrence regarding my childhood pet ... and there's
Master ART at my sleazy stuff store!
There are lots of freebie's on my free stuff page, but of course, if you happened to purchase any little something off this website you would defiantly be adding to the prospect of future Sleazy Music & become a co-online producer....
Also if you discovered and liked my
"Sleazy Ivory Lullaby video"
and happen to dabble a little on the keys yourself, you can purchase the score here as well. Hey! Are you the type of person who likes to explore a little poetry?
If you love the game of Chess U can
find my take on the game way deep
within the site....
Keep an EyE out for the Kobold BUTT Wisdoms
(or Gnomic Magic) ... and
Stay tuned for any changing
news at SLEAZYZDOTCOm. AND Hey! Take a little time to absorb what this website has to offer musically and poetically then Keep an eye out for my future BLOG regarding any curiosity....

Here's an up-tempo Rock'n EDMer mixed on Skull-candies for all U smartphoner's out there.
HEY! If you can't boogie down to
this one you're probably a Grey Head!
Logic is the beginning of wisdom not its end.... Spock

Have you seen any Gnomes lately?
The Best Romance begins in a Hot Tub....
Not Spock
I Like Big Books
an I can not lie....

One little politic....
Opon Pit Mining.
Prevents Forest Fires....
Musiebeats 2 masterSleazy Z
00:00 / 05:49
Just in case you want to
listen to it again!
Attitude making a child giggle
Songs fabled conveying endless fits
Desires to stretch-out a meaty wiggle
Flown from history, but didn't know it
This bird lost his little life
No condolence for his days
Sudden and unadvised swoop
Past the corner of his gaze....
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